Books Catalog

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These books published by the UP Law Center may be ordered directly from the Information and Publication Book Room.

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ASEAN: 50 Years Hence
Rommel J. Casis, Celeste Ruth L. Cembrano-Mallari
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Bajo de Masinloc. Scarborough Shoal. Maps and Documents. National Mapping and Resource...
National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
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Beyond Qualified Reclusion Perpetua: Restorative Justice and Alternatives to the Death Penalty...
Zenaida P. Paloma
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Children with Disabilities: Towards the Realization of their Right to Education
Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan, Michael T. Tiu, Jr.
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Essays on the Philippine Variant of the Civil Law Taxation
Ruben F. Balane
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Colonial Legacies in a Fragile Republic: Philippine Land Law and State Formation...
Owen J. Lynch
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Comparative Children's Rights in the ASEAN
Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan
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A Compilation of International and Domestic Laws on the Status and Rights...
Dean Merlin M. Magallona; Prof. Patricia R.P. Salvador Daway
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This Supplement to Credit Transactions: Notes and Cases covers Republic Act No....
Stephanie V. Gomez-Somera
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It is intended that the entries of the Dictionary be limitedly drawn...
Merlin M. Magallona
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Doing Business in the ASEAN
Joseph Sedfrey S. Santiago
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Extradition, Mutual Legal Assistance, Transfer of Sentenced Persons, and Cooperation on Transnational...
J. Eduardo Malaya and Sheila Monedero-Arnesto with Ricardo V. Paras III